How do I take care of my dog's claws?

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 How do I take care of my dog's claws?

Among the many care to be given to his dog, the claws must be trimmed with great regularity. Let's see why it is necessary and how often it should be done. Let's also look at the different accessories used to trim canine claws and what is the best method to follow so as not to risk injuring the animal with a too generous cut.

How do I take care of my dog's claws?

Why do you need to maintain a dog's claws?

A dog must receive specific care, especially for its claws, which grow continuously throughout the animal's life. It is useful to prevent him from damaging his master's clothes by jumping or from damaging the sofa's covering when he settles in, for example. Because even if the dog does not make its claws (unlike the cat), it can cause some damage when they are too long, especially since at home, they are not retractable.

But there is something more serious: without maintenance, the dog's claws can break or worse, tear off, causing pain and exposing the animal to the risk of infection.

When should I cut the dog's claws?

On average, it is recommended that the claws be trimmed every 5 to 6 weeks. In some dogs, however, this can be done more frequently, especially if they don't get out much. A dog that spends a lot of time outdoors, for example, will be out walking on sidewalks and other hard floors every day. This is why active urban dogs generally have shorter claws than their sedentary counterparts. Sedentary dogs that spend their time in their baskets are unlikely to remove their claws naturally. They therefore grow faster than they wear out.

To find out when it's time to give your doggie a manicure, simply look at his paws when he's standing. If his claws touch the ground, they need to be trimmed. If the dog makes a noise while moving around, it's time to take care of it.

Which accessory to use to cut a dog's claws?

It is necessary to use a suitable accessory reserved for the sole care of the dog's claws, namely the canine claw clipper. This accessory is available in different categories, namely :

The classic claw trimmer: this is a very simple model that is particularly suitable for small breed dogs. It is recommended to buy a model with a bumper because it limits the risk of cutting too short. You can therefore opt for a professional model equipped with a safety lock. Its price is between 6 and 12 $ 10 depending on the brand or distributor.
The guillotine nail clipper: it is also called guillotine nail clippers. Contrary to what its name suggests, it is not at all a torture device! This accessory has a single sharp blade, ideal for thick claws. It costs between 10 and 15 $.
Claw scissors: they are rather suitable for small dogs if their claws are not extremely hard. They allow a precise cut and are comfortable to use. They cost less than 10 $
The electric nail crusher or electric nail file: this is an ideal device for puppies with brittle or soft claws and fragile skin. It is a kind of grinder that files the claws perfectly. After one session, they are therefore very smooth. The average price is about 35 $.
Whichever model you choose, we opt for stainless steel blades that cut perfectly. Plastic is to be banned because it is not solid. Some of these accessories are offered in different sizes to fit the dog's size.

How to safely cut your dog's claws?

It is not complicated, but it is fundamental to be delicate in order not to hurt your little companion. That's why we advise puppy owners to start as soon as possible. It is difficult to cut the claws of an adult dog without risking injury if it has not been used to this type of maintenance because it is very likely to wiggle around. Worse, if he has a bad temper or is somewhat aggressive, his master may be called to order by a bite. It's better to be two if the dog is nervous.

The procedure is as follows:

Hold the foot firmly with one hand,
Cut only the end of each claw. It is especially important to stop 2 mm before the pink line. This is the pulp. It is crossed by blood vessels and a nerve. Cutting too far could therefore hurt the dog very much and cause bleeding. Be especially careful if the dog has black claws because the pulp is not very visible.
It is necessary to keep the dog lying down in order to cut the claws of the hind legs without difficulty. Finally, when the session is over, don't forget to congratulate your dog by giving him a small treat and by caressing him.

If you are afraid of hurting your little companion, don't hesitate to take him to a groomer. This professional is specialized in nail clipping and has all the necessary equipment. A session costs between 6 and 12 $. Note that the veterinarian can also take care of this task. We can therefore take advantage of the visit to have him check the dog to see if everything is ok.

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