The "stop" command: how to teach it to your dog?

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 The "stop" command: how to teach it to your dog?

The "stop" (or "halt") is one of the basic commands that you must teach your doggie as soon as possible. Teaching your doggie to stop as soon as you tell him to stop will be very useful during your walks. Sessions, when practiced in a positive spirit, help strengthen the bond between the master and his four-legged companion because they represent a privileged moment during which the dog is the center of attention and he loves it! Our tips for teaching your pet to stop on demand

The "stop" command: how to teach it to your dog?

Why teach your dog the command "stop"?

Like the "don't move" command, the "stop" command is intended, among other things, to ensure your dog's safety in case of danger. The objective is to stop him immediately in all circumstances: near a crosswalk for example, if he runs after a cat, if he quarrels with another dog or if he jumps on a person. When your doggie has perfectly acquired this injunction, the "stop" order will be able to get him out of perilous situations or even save his life. It is important to know that the education of a dog can start very early because even at two or three months of age, he is able to understand what is expected of him and will be happy to respond to it. An adult dog also knows how to assimilate learning very well, as long as he practices the sessions with gentleness and patience.

Four recommendations before starting

Use treats. Rewards - in the form of snacks combined with congratulations and hugs - will help you reach your goal quickly and efficiently. With this in mind, prefer food that doesn't crumble in your pockets or on the floor when you offer it.

 Ideally, choose appetizing treats such as knackis or chunks of cheese. Rewards should be different from her regular kibble to give the sessions a motivating aspect that is out of her everyday life;
For your training sessions, select a calm environment without too 

many stimuli (smells, presence of other dogs...) that could distract your dog's attention. If it is possible for you, complete the sessions at home.

 In addition to being low in distraction, the chosen location must obviously be completely safe, away from all traffic;
Make sure your dog has had a good workout and has relieved himself before starting the training session. If your doggie hasn't 

exercised enough before the session, he may lack concentration and 
you won't be able to get his attention;

Choose the verbal formula that you will address to your doggie. Choose a short command so that he can easily integrate it. For this exercise, the most commonly used commands are "stop" or "halt". 

Once you've decided on the expression, don't change it and ask everyone in your family to use the same word so as not to confuse the animal.

Learning to "stop" on a leash

The "stop" is the passage from a movement to a total stop. This command is intended to stop your dog at the time you choose. How to proceed?

Walk next to your tied-up dog and stop by saying "stop" or "halt". Make sure you give the command just before the leash brakes your dog;
Your dog may not immediately understand what is expected of him and will continue to walk. If necessary, give the leash a gentle tap as you stop;
When the animal performs, offer the treat and praise him fervently;
To start again, give an order like "go";
Repeat the process until it comes to a stop for ten seconds;
Reward him and congratulate him fervently for each success.

Learning to "stop" without a leash

Learning to "stop" without a leash
Once your dog has acquired the command "stop" on the leash, you can start the exercise by unleashing it.

Unhook the leash, go side by side and give him the "stop" command and stop dead;
If your dog continues walking, call him back and start again;
When he obeys the command, reward him with snacks and petting;
Repeat the exercise until your companion has learned.

Test your dog in a stimulating place

Now that your dog has stopped when you tell him to, a final test is to take him to a place where odours and other dogs are likely to distract him. In this high-stimulus environment, you will be able to see if your dog is able to come to a complete stop despite, for example, the presence of another dog. If distractions don't distract him, you've met the challenge!

Last tips before starting to learn the "stop".

As with any training session, "stop" training sessions should be kept short and enjoyable so that your dog does not get bored or stressed. If you feel that your dog is not very receptive, do not insist and do not get angry because you risk taking away his desire to learn. On the other hand, don't abuse the "stop" command, because it should remain occasional and not be trivialized. As your pet progresses, you can replace the treat with caresses and warm congratulations.

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