The Hamilton Hound or Hamiltonstövare, a very sporty dog

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 The Hamilton Hound or Hamiltonstövare, a very sporty dog

The Hamilton Hound is a Swedish breed that is a true physical activity enthusiast. Used as a hound for digging or searching, it is also a wonderful companion for families. But to be fully happy, he needs a maximum of stimulation. No compromise on that

The Dog of the Pharaoh, with fine and pure lines

Characteristics of the Hamilton Hound

Of rather average size, the Hamilton Hound measures between 49 and 57 cm if it is a female and if it is a male, its measurements go from 53 to 61 cm. The weight varies between 23 and 27 kg. This breed is distinguished by its body inscribed in a rectangle and marked by power and strength. Well proportioned, it does not reveal any heaviness and develops a very distinct withers, a more or less arched and muscular loins, a powerful and horizontal back as well as a long and well descended chest. The head is rather long and reveals a more or less broad and convex skull. The stop is visible without being strongly accentuated. The animal has a long rectangular muzzle and large nostrils carried by a black nose that gives it its exceptional flair. The eyes express tranquility and are dark brown in color. The ears for their part go forward and are set high. As for the coat, it is rather short and has a rough texture. The coat is tricolor and reveals a combination of black, tawny and ochre to reddish brown.

Breed History Hamilton Hound

Hamiltonstövare has its origins in Sweden. It owes its paternity to Count Hamilton who contributed to the development of the breed from the 19th century. The Hamiltonstövare would be the result of a hybridization between the Harrier, the Foxhound and hounds from Switzerland and Germany. Originally, it was exclusively used by nobility and royalty in hunting activities. He became known at a dog show where his first ancestors Pang and Stella were presented. The Hamiltonstövare is usually found in his native country and in Great Britain. Elsewhere in the world including France, he is almost unknown

The Hamilton Hound or Hamiltonstövare, a very sporty dog.

Necessary living conditions and behaviour of the Hamilton Hound

The Hamiltonstövare is a passionate animal, which is why it is so successful in its home country. It excels in hunting hare and fox and is an indispensable helper for any good hunter because of its ability to dislodge game. The Hamiltonstövare is also a good pet that loves family life. It is a great player, gentle, friendly and with a stable character. However, it can sometimes be stubborn. It will take a firm education and a master who knows how to be constant in his learning to rectify this temperament.

Food and main health problems of the Hamilton Hound

The Hamiltonstövare is a very robust dog. But if he is involved in hunting, he needs to be followed by a veterinarian in a strict and regular way, because accidents are very common. He also needs to be fed an energetic, healthy and rich diet to make up for his caloric expenditure.

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