The main breeds of Japanese dogs

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 The main breeds of Japanese dogs

The main breeds of Japanese dogs

Certain breeds of Japanese dogs, such as the Shiba Inu and the Akita Inu, have been 
particularly popular in recent years. Renowned for their beauty and loyal character, these 
are not the only Japanese breeds worthy of interest. They have varied physical characteristics and a unique temperament characterized by independence, reserve and intelligence. Here is an overview of the few most appreciated breeds of this vast family!

The main breeds of Japanese dogs

Shiba Inu

This very old breed is originally a small game hunting dog; of medium size, the Shiba Inu measures about 40 cm for about ten kilos. Often cream-colored (known as sesame), Shiba Inu are also found in black and tan, red, or sesame color pulling towards red or black. The presence of lighter areas on the muzzle, cheeks, neck, chest and belly is required by the breed standard. The Shiba has the particularity of being an independent dog while being affectionate and loyal. Its education can however prove to be complex and its training must be firmly carried out. It has the defect to be often not very sociable with other dogs.

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